Monday, December 1, 2008

Taper Madness

It's less than a week before the race, and it happens every time. Sometimes it holds itself off until I'm actually at the starting line. But it's already started.

The self doubt. The amnesia. The anxiety.

Have I done the work? Has my fitness survived the last two weeks? What's with this new ache, this new pain? Is that a rash? Why does my head hurt? I just sneezed. I'm a little warm; could it be a fever? I'm a little cold; could it be a fever?


Sadie J said...

You are going to do great!

I tagged you on my blog. Your turn!

Julia said...

Kate! Yes. Yes. Just growing pains. No. Allergies from Texas stuff. No. You are just hot...ask Ken. You will be fine.

To Hell with the saying, "strong like bull" It needs to be, "STRONG like woman!!!!!!"